The foundation of our company is firmly built with a life-long involvement in the cattle industry. Helge By’s family bought their first Charolais bull in 1962 and Helge has been a Canadian Charolais Association member since 1973. He has promoted and consulted on genetic decisions for many breeders throughout Canada for over 35 years in his work with the Charolais Banner. By Livestock is a strong supporter of youth and sponsor, promote and invest in junior programs.
By Livestock was initially formed to work in conjunction with D Bar L Livestock, Dale & Lesley Norheim, to manage the Regina Bull Sale. By Livestock co-managed this multi-breed bull sale for thirteen years. Upon the very untimely passing of Dale, a need arose to assist breeders with their sales. We stepped up and answered the requests for assistance and haven’t looked back. We assist breeders that wish to round their knowledge and promotional base. We manage sales across Canada, some with multiple breed components. Our diverse knowledge of the cattle industry is an asset.
We believe each breeder has a unique offering and endeavour to promote and build each brand accordingly. No two operations are the same and they need to be handled objectively. Services Offered We offer full service, professional sale management, which includes:
• Sale improvement consultation
• Catalogue production
• Individual mailing list management
• Advertising creation and placement
• Online live sales for buyer convenience
• Professional video and photography services
• Hiring of professional sale staff
• Clerking the sale, collection, paying all bills and settlement to consignors
• Transferring registration papers
Order Buying
Over the years, we have purchased hundreds of herdbulls for purebred and commercial producers and thousands of females. We take this task very seriously and endeavour to purchase our customers the best genetics possible. We tour large numbers of purebred herds and can source genetics to meet your needs. If you are looking for an objective discussion on how to improve your herd’s genetics, we are here to help.
International Marketing
Helge and Candace By have travelled extensively to Charolais International events. Helge is a Charolais International President and Candace is the current Charolais International Secretary. They always wear the Canadian flag and promote Canadian genetics. They have marketed semen and embryos (not just Charolais) to Australia, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Mexico, New Zealand, United Kingdom and United States. If expanding your market beyond the Canadian borders sounds interesting, give us a call. Agricultural Tours With our international travel and contacts, we have hosted a multitude of agricultural tours for producers from many countries. These are custom designed for the clients and have included tours of Charolais, Simmental, Angus, Red Angus, Hereford and Limousin herds. Educational components and tourist attractions have been included.